


  • On our end, we always try to produce genuine and accurate content. However, we may not guarantee that the information provided by us is 100% correct because changes have been accruing every day. Realities always remain in the state of change. Every passing day explore the new realities. However, we may change our content accordingly.
  • We don’t promise that our website https://careersolution99.com will always be available on server. Sometime server may create problem, hackers may destroy the content, virus infections and any natural calamity may adversely affect the site.
  • We are not responsible if visitors may coordinate with each other and reach up to social or financial contract. No doubt our website was the bridge between them but we don’t accept unhappy aftershocks when one party could not fulfill his responsibilities.
  • We are not the jobs provider and nor visa provider. So we don’t accept any payment online. Please don’t share you financial information with someone who contact you on our behalf.
  • If you have shared your credit card or debit card information online then you will be wholly and solely responsible for this act. All of the damage will be put up with you.

LINKS TO THE https://careersolution99.com

No one is allowed to embed any part of this website in his blog or web page. However, he/she is allowed to recommend our website to others.


Our website contains the sponsors’ ads and these are clearly defined as it is the separate part of our website. The sponsors links find in our website are not our property. We are not responsible, either promises of sponsors are genuine or not. When you leave out from our website then our terms of use may not apply on you.

In short words, you are allowed to visit our website, post comments, apply for any given job and share the web page to the social networking websites. On the other hand you are not allowed to do any unlawful and illegal act in term of our website. You always abide by the law of land and norms of international community.

Wish You Best of Luck
